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How to Have an Eco-Friendly Birthday Party

How to Have an Eco-Friendly Birthday Party
Having an eco-friendly birthday party is much easier than you'd think! Here is our simple guide on having an amazing eco-friendly birthday party:


Whilst we love traditional paper invitations, we know that they sometimes aren't the best option. To stay eco-friendly, opt for e-invites, or simply drop everyone a text. It's super easy to do, and a better choice for the environment, too. There are plenty of free templates available online, so it doesn't have to be boring!


You may wish to inform guests that you would only like to receive eco-friendly gifts, or have a 'no gifts' rule. If you would like for your child to receive some gifts, subtly suggest items that your kids actually need, such as clothes or books.


The best venue for an eco-friendly birthday party is your own home, as it's probably local for all of your child's friends! Alternatively, an outdoor venue is another great option, and can be decorated in cute ways. Hay bales for seats, and picnic blankets make for an adorable day. How to Have an Eco-Friendly Birthday Party - MATH Featured Image: MATH Why not host an adorable teddy bears picnic in the park? It's so fun, and so cute, too!


The best food to serve is delicious homegrown fruit and veg, such as tasty strawberries, and salads - even homegrown chips! Whilst kids can love sweets and processed foods, you can't go wrong with delicious homemade meals. If you making a birthday cake or cupcakes, be sure to use free-range ingredients. You could also support local farms by buying their organic eggs. How to Have an Eco-Friendly Birthday Party - Chelsweets Featured Image: Chelsweets Serve your food onto reusable plates, and use biodegradable or metal cutlery.

Party games

Some of the best eco-friendly party games are the easiest. Here are a few that we recommend: Musical Chairs All you'll need is a few chairs - something everyone has! Kids love this classic game, and it's sure to be a lot of fun. Charades We love charades! It's a great game for a smaller party, and so easy to do. DIY Pinata If you're feeling crafty, why not create your own DIY pinata. Fill with eco-friendly treats to complete!

Eco-friendly Decorations

Decorating your venue in a sustainable way doesn't have to be difficult. Reuse We'd recommend to stay away from decorations that can't be reused, such as balloons, and opt for other alternatives. DIY party bunting made out of sustainable materials is a great option, and can be reused plenty of times. You could also decorate your venue with potted flowers and plants - it's a great way to also teach kids about the environment.

Party favours

When it comes to party favours, ask yourself do you really need them? We'd advise you to ditch the goodie bags, and perhaps just send the kids home with a tasty slice of cake. If you do feel the need to give out treats, be sure to opt for paper goodie bags, over plastic ones. How to Have an Eco-Friendly Birthday Party - Bunny Tutu - Party Bag & Sticker - Pack of 10 Featured Product: Bunny Tutu - Party Bag & Sticker - Pack of 10 Fill them up with toys or activities that kids can reuse - not just plastic toys that will just sit in a draw! We think that packets of seeds, friendship bracelets, and crayons are awesome gifts.

Pass it on

Once the party is over, you can do your bit by donating any decorations to someone else, whether that's giving them away over Facebook, or donating them to a relative. Alternatively, keep them for next year! You never know when those bits could come in handy again. We hope you have enjoyed this blog, and thought of lots of awesome ideas for your own eco-friendly birthday party! For more birthday ideas, be sure to head over to our other blogs.