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What Is the Order of Service for a Funeral?


When you attend a funeral, you will likely be given an order of service or a 'program', but what is this, what do they include, and why are they useful?

What Is an Order of Service?

This is a booklet that details the events of the ceremony, and lets you know what is happening and when different things will happen.

They are usually placed on seats, in church pews, or given to funeral attendees as they arrive.

Funeral Order of Service - Traditional Roses Photo

What Does an Order of Service Include?

They include many things, and can include anything you want.

Usually this would be the wording of hymns, poems, or readings, making it easy for funeral attendees to follow along. You may also want to include details of the music that is playing, as well as letting guests know when the casket will be carried in, as well as other key events.

Funeral Order of Service - Blue Photograph Memories

You can also include photographs. Many people keep the funeral program as a memento of the ceremony, as it makes a beautiful way to remember the life of a loved one.

Why Are They Useful?

Without a funeral order of service, you are likely to struggle at following the ceremony, especially when it comes to hymns. They simply make it easier for everyone to follow along, so no one will be feeling confused.


We hope you have found this blog useful. For more help with funeral stationery, be sure to check out our other blogs.