Over three and a half thousand couples from all over the globe tied the knot at a mass wedding in South Korea organised by the controversial Unification Church a year after its founder died.
Row upon row of couples, dressed in traditional white dresses and tuxedos, met at the Cheongshim Peace World Centre in Gapyeong, near Seoul, for their collective big day. A further 24,000 followers, who have been dubbed 'Moonies' after the church's founder Sun Myung Moon, were also married in other countries via a video link.
The ceremony was presided over by Hak Ja-han - the widow of Sun Myung Moon, who died last September. Moon founded the church, officially called the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, in 1954 and it is considered one of the world's most controversial religious organisations. The Unification Church claims to have 3million followers around the world. His wife remains the symbolic head of the mission that oversees the entire Unification group.
It's certainly the biggest wedding we've ever heard of - and that's an awful lot of
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