What Is a Memorial Card?
A memorial card is a small card that is given out at funerals, which makes a thoughtful tribute to the person who has passed away. They contain a few details about the person, as well as a photo to remember them by.
They are just the right size to be kept in a wallet or purse, making a beautiful reminder of that special person that friends and family will cherish.
Featured Product: Funeral Memorial Cards - Celtic Border
You can personalise your cards however you want - add your own photos and wording to complete. It's a great way to remember your loved one's personality, whether they were outgoing, creative, or funny.
Featured Product: Funeral Memorial Cards - Pink Peony
Here at Dotty about Paper, we have a wide range of memorial cards with many different designs available. Our cards are easy to personalise; you can choose from eight different poems or add your own wording.
If you have any questions about your funeral stationery, feel free to get in touch. We will be happy to help.
What do you put on a memorial card?
Memorial cards don't need a lot of details on. Usually, we recommend that the front of the card contains the name of the person who died, the date of when they were born and when they died, and a lovely photograph. On the reverse, you may like to add a quote, poem, or song lyrics to remember your loved one by. A poem that will be read at the funeral is also a good idea.