Stationery Advice: The Wedding Invitations
If you are getting married and already have young children of your own, it can be difficult trying to include them in your wedding preparations and, as a result, they can unintentionally feel left out. Usually, younger children are often given the roles of bridesmaids, flower girls, page boys, etc, so that they feel they have an important role to play on your wedding day.
It’s also a long-term project which starts at the very beginning of planning for your wedding with save the date cards, right through to the thank you cards for after the big event. Your youngsters will cheer the delivery of your wedding stationery and be amazed at how the process goes from ordering online to licking the envelopes (a good job for them, by the way!)
And – after all their help – its only fair that they be rewarded with a little gift, so why not order some wedding sweets along with the wedding invitations and munch away while you all muck in and label those envelopes!